Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Waar Is Rinho 5 In Ratchet

Wednesday 11:00 pm

come to pass everywhere here in the house of the fam vargas (I know I'm Garcia but I've always considered more of a VARGAS GARCIA AN) appeared a strange cake, start with research, and we did not know if I had brought my aunt, my cousin, my uncle or someone in the family in fact my mother first thing he did was ask if I had brought logic to see my face because surprised by the question knew immediately that there had been I who brought him to the house. 11:30 pm Thursday

spent a day and my mother still challenged by the owner who was beginning research on the cake with my aunt who lives next door, my aunt of course replied that he had not brought,Maria Luisa is the lady who helps us to make the toilet in the house on Wednesday confirmed that no one had left anything in the house and others who also owned the cake mesionado. Friday 11:30 a.m.

investigacon continue with the contact for my mom and two of the 4 ladies who take classes on Wednesday at the home and discovered that none of them (Paty and Lupita) had brought the bloody cake, so it is not played and I kept it as it was from Wednesday in her refrigerator. Saturday 4:00 pm

The mystery of the aforementioned cake has not been resolved and we laugh not knowing where it came from one who brought it including my mom is still looking for another lmind ......

net bone is the fucking cake this good after nearly a week we continue with the question of who is the person who brought the cake to the two suspects are not hopefully tomorrow we say "We brought that cake" but not this be a case for the twilight zone (turururu tururururur turururu )!!!!!!!

So why just for the moment the story of the mysterious cake has caused much controversy in the family since my aunt and her family as well as my mom and I are shocked and attacked with laughter about the situation of pound cake that click indeed "how cool is"


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