Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Do I Go Past The Door On Poptropica The non-planned hiatus are the worst

My internet was down
the early hours of Monday 11 (or perhaps before, but that's when I found out xD) so my total shutdown for the last two weeks with all the sites I frequent: (I was hoarse, because I could not congratulate [info] cocaiiiine or [info] poison_d90 for his birthday (and the mobile internet is not cooperating with me that day or any other, no credit
), so HAPPY BIRTHDAY super late, girls: D I wish you well and I hope you had a great, sorry for the no-gift = / Maybe try to do something, the issue is that I have severals late birthday gift ... xD Anyway, soon I'll catch up with the f-list, I was watching and commenting a little, but I have a long way to go.

is that I can not talk about fandom not, right? No, I can not.
And yes, I'm behind on my series D: That was one of the hardest things you do not have internet xD (and will probably be the first thing that I'll catch up, because the instinct is the instinct fangirl fangirl) . I also lost

comment on the rescue of the miners in Chile, I moved a whole lot. The only thing that screwed me was the nationalization of the issue to take advantage of the situation


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