Monday, November 22, 2010

Alpine Type R Sub Does Box Make Difference

I am writing early this week, Partly due to The Fact That I Have Been Rather lazy in Keeping you guys posted and Partly due to the fact-That tomorrow I will be Leaving for Phoenix and Be Surrounded by MOST of you. WAS

This weekend jammed packed with fun Even Though I did not really go out and do anything Outside of the dorm or classroom. Most of You Were Not Informed of the Hall Cup competition going on That Was Amongst the North campus dorms . It Mostly revolve around Harry Potter, Gryffindor WAS my dorm. For MOST of the Activities I Could not make it to Participate. So wings, found Friday afternoon I bundled up for the growing cold with a stick in my hand, in place for a broomstick of course, and playing a game of Quidditch ragtag agamp;nbsp; Really it only got worse.

When I left to make my way back to the sanctuary of somewhere warm the snow was sticking.  This caused me to panic slightly and think of whether there was anyone I could call to pick me up.  Most of them were already out of town or on the other side of town.  This then caused me to seek help from Amarintha.  I suggested we meet at the union, her with an extra hat and scarf for me.

By the time I was half way there she had already made it to the Union and came to meet me to give my head and face some respite from the pelting snow that the wind kept hitting me with.  I have never been happier to see a Starbucks before.

Today there is even more snow on the ground than yesterday, parts of it iced over and masked to look like snow to trip you up when you least suspect it to.  I am still a little miffed that the weather didn't have the decency to wait until I left to go home to hit us with the severe cold of snow country.  I guess everyone was wrong about us not getting much snow this winter.  We've already gotten an early start.

Besides that most things are going just dandy for me....except for keeping up my writing for NANO.  The story I'm writing just doesn't have what I think it should have or needs.  Half of me is tempted to give up but I figure that if I continue to write it then I have something that I can later tear apart and rebuild.  I can make it better afterwords.  This will really just be the bare bones of it, I Discovering Who Are the characters and so on. I Might End Up Spending a lot of time on the computer this week. I am very behind on it. ; The word counter on the sight Keeps Such taunting me with information as at this rate you Will not finish till after Christmas. Hope

Are you all warm and happy. See you at Thanksgiving and For Those That I will not see, enjoy your Thanksgiving. Elizabeth, You Might Just Need to get on Skype for part of it so That We Can See That adorable little button named Lucy.


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