Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Coach Bag At Mn Outlet Sleeping a Million Years...When I'm Dead

I have not been consistent with keeping in touch, especially with updating this.  Life has been busy and filled with phone calls.  Most of my day consist of cooking, at school and back at the apartment.  Overall though I love it, all of it.

School has been a chocolaty mess for the past week and a half.  We finish making chocolate candies at the end of this week, all of it will be making its way to you.  (No Pop, you are not allowed to stash it away like you do with the Christmas cookies Mom makes for you, you have to share)  I need to stop into the UPS store tomorrow and ask them about their rules on sending food...I will have to buy some boxes.  Some of it doesn't look so pretty, mainly because it was practiceMOST of the good stuff will Be saved to Give to tours and Such.

Though I will be happy when i am done with chocolate just so I Do not Have to worry so much about getting the stuff all over me, It is a pain to keep clean and when to you fail it is a bigger pain to wash your jacket. Beginning of the weekend I just do not feel like Spending the 1.50 to wash and dry a jacket That is MOST likely going to get Something on it the next day or day after That. luckily when to of the Older Suggested class ladies in Our Shout and soak it in cold water, Almost Everything That got out and Then a quick rinse in warm water in the shower suffice for getting the residue Shout out completely. Elizabeth Was Right, I need to get a cheap toothbrush to help me I

phave only heard about from the Food Network and probably see things I can only dream about making.  *grins*

I'll be off now, got things to do.  Love you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Book Your Own Wrestling Show HELP BRAZIL

[info] helpbrazil2011

Similar, but equally, the community created to help the Chilean earthquake. He who knows not what is happening ... Google: /

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Get Rid Of The Bad Taste Of Astelin

pastry cream, Frangipani, meringue, ect. I Had no idea That There Were Different meringue out in the world, French or Italian. * quirks eyebrow * Next week starts my chocolate section, pero candies Caramels Have Such As Wait Until about mid to pastry school. You will Receive Probably all chocolates in the mail. I swear I Could Probably charge all of you and make a fortune. The Lot Of You Are Lucky That I like you so much . Not much además

school has-been going on, just Trying to figure out what else I need .... Probably Should start a list Starting with lotion.

I WAS going to start a blog for Separate food I am making But I Will not Be Doing That. We Were Told That We Are not allowed to post and Stockthing but pictures of what we make.  You will all have to wait for the secrets of pastry school until I get home.  Sorry.  I debated whether doing one on my nightly dinner experiments but I figured I could just do that here on this one.  So every once in a while there will be updates that are off schedule, flaunting the culinary delights I am eating at home and then pictures of the stuff I'm making at school.  Sometimes the dinner stuff will just be pictures and a link to blogs I have found the recipe on. 

Until next time.