Thursday, December 30, 2010

Herpes Images In Pubic Hair Region The progress

I start from where I stay? jajaj no longer better not forget this. I return to this later said depoco over two long years jejej two years gave me a lot I met a wonderful person and let it go, I finished my Carerra and finally a mechanical engineer and graduate of poly chamba looking for now. Now there are more games or toys well I think the toys and video games and just changed so that the facebook and twitter that have become a rare form of entertainment but it must adapt or die trying.
Well now expecting a new year seems to bring many changes (do not know how I wish you and finish this) but anyway let us see what lies ahead with the proj

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Funny Dinner Invitation Wording

[info] nande_chan ). I had done long ago on Facebook, but it's pretty fun and I could not miss the chance to do it here too. Below the cut I put all the instructions in case anyone else wants to do it: D
[info] + then you have to fill in the gaps of numbers depending on how you answer the questions below there. Dear (name of the last person who left a comment): I do not know how to say this: (1). I have noticed this (2) (3) and I saw (4) (5). Sure enough that you (6) to understand (7). I'll give you back (8), but I will continue saving (9) as a souvenir. You should alsoManchester United goalkeeper Nothing, my statue of John Kennedy Other: the Mad Monk (6) Would you rather watch on TV?
News: Man
The man Paco: emotional
Sin Tetas no paradise: open / a Lost: bright House: scared shitless / a [info] Physics and Chemistry: left / a The Simpsons coward Know What You Did : Mongolian / a Parent: masochistic X Factor: You are going senile Middle-class None of the above : Ashamed

(7) How are you now? Happy: how mad / a I've felt Sad: I bored you are
bored: there is no Santa Claus
Angry / a: that your pimples are
clippers Rosa: The cut toenails
Other: Your memories from the military

(9) Does the first letter of your name?
A / B: your photo
C / D: my virginity
E / F:
your neighbor Martin G / H: Fuel Tank
I / J: the results of your blood
K / L: your ear
left M / N:
Your suicide note O / P:
my common sense Q / R: your mother
S / T:
your collection of butterflies U / V:
Your criminal record W / X: your costume Spiderman
Y / Z: Your grades from college

(10) The last letter in your last name?
A / B:
always remember C / D:
never forget E / F:
Always wanted to break G / H: never open derisionLXC

for his birthday: D That's a lot of fun, a big kiss \u0026lt;33

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wakeboarding Boat Backgrounds

+ Now get to do meme. A handwriting meme: D stole long ago from some random-journal, but I always do because he was lazy to scan it or take a photo later ... The photo is faster, but it looks very bad, so I dusted the MFP xD Anyway, this is the kind of things you do when you're bored, random, and the room is becoming unbearable heat that echo made during the day and put out reggaeton at full volume for tomorrow (today) is a holiday.

1. Your name
2. Your two favorite bands / groups
3. What you love
4. Your favorite person
5. Recent Your favorite person
6. Left-handed or right-handed?
7. Favourite letters to write?
8. Least favorite letters to write?
9. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
10. Tag six people to do the meme

ASSHOLE Note that I am so I had to use Liquid Paper on several occasions xDD

+ The title is random because they spoke a while ago on TV that fulfilled 30 years of Lennon's death and spent Imagine
background, which I like MUCH ♥

+ I realized that, inexplicably, had no random
tag. I'm random as hell and had no random
tag, but if he had, for example, the tag
lorem ipsum. LOL (and lol
is also, by sue

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome Bag Wording For Wedding Guests

[info] cryingroom ! : 3


* sends love * ♥ ♥

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Does A D & C Remove Fibroids Did you see this?

Tom Felton and put on your Twitter that he was out of the equation (LOL!), so ... Who do you nominate? I do not know if it is really true, it probably is one of the youngest, but I look at Jason Isaacs, his face hot male-killer and panties, and I can not help suspecting XD

Monday, November 22, 2010

Alpine Type R Sub Does Box Make Difference

I am writing early this week, Partly due to The Fact That I Have Been Rather lazy in Keeping you guys posted and Partly due to the fact-That tomorrow I will be Leaving for Phoenix and Be Surrounded by MOST of you. WAS

This weekend jammed packed with fun Even Though I did not really go out and do anything Outside of the dorm or classroom. Most of You Were Not Informed of the Hall Cup competition going on That Was Amongst the North campus dorms . It Mostly revolve around Harry Potter, Gryffindor WAS my dorm. For MOST of the Activities I Could not make it to Participate. So wings, found Friday afternoon I bundled up for the growing cold with a stick in my hand, in place for a broomstick of course, and playing a game of Quidditch ragtag agamp;nbsp; Really it only got worse.

When I left to make my way back to the sanctuary of somewhere warm the snow was sticking.  This caused me to panic slightly and think of whether there was anyone I could call to pick me up.  Most of them were already out of town or on the other side of town.  This then caused me to seek help from Amarintha.  I suggested we meet at the union, her with an extra hat and scarf for me.

By the time I was half way there she had already made it to the Union and came to meet me to give my head and face some respite from the pelting snow that the wind kept hitting me with.  I have never been happier to see a Starbucks before.

Today there is even more snow on the ground than yesterday, parts of it iced over and masked to look like snow to trip you up when you least suspect it to.  I am still a little miffed that the weather didn't have the decency to wait until I left to go home to hit us with the severe cold of snow country.  I guess everyone was wrong about us not getting much snow this winter.  We've already gotten an early start.

Besides that most things are going just dandy for me....except for keeping up my writing for NANO.  The story I'm writing just doesn't have what I think it should have or needs.  Half of me is tempted to give up but I figure that if I continue to write it then I have something that I can later tear apart and rebuild.  I can make it better afterwords.  This will really just be the bare bones of it, I Discovering Who Are the characters and so on. I Might End Up Spending a lot of time on the computer this week. I am very behind on it. ; The word counter on the sight Keeps Such taunting me with information as at this rate you Will not finish till after Christmas. Hope

Are you all warm and happy. See you at Thanksgiving and For Those That I will not see, enjoy your Thanksgiving. Elizabeth, You Might Just Need to get on Skype for part of it so That We Can See That adorable little button named Lucy.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mobility Radeon Lcd Monitor My history with Harry

Here I am, following the lead of [info] mirita23 in [info] harryawards and in doing so, although in principle is a meme for me and for many it is something much more momentous and deep, one of the many stories of our lives:)

A decade of magic that is coming to an end. Fandom
After all, fictions, movies and pairings, there's a story we have not heard.
Tell us your story while accompanying him on the trip!

My history with Harry Potter
| Meme

Like all wonderful things in life, my first contact with HP was fortuitous, unexpected, nothing impressive. I was very young, 9 or 10 years, and had gone with my mother one evening in one of our typical outputs, touring bookstores and buy books (I always liked reading ^ ^) in Calle Corrientes, if I memory, "a street in the Capital sooo busy that I love because, although it has stores of all types, is especially full of bookstores xD ♥ Looking books with all the tranquility of the world, I found Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I can not remember if I saw it first, or was my mom, who read the summary and thought it would be great for me, but hey, as st remember that she showed plenty of excitement and approval for the book, almost as much as me ^ ^ As a girl, I was very attracted to the idea of an orphan boy who discovers he is a magician, a spectacular magic school where they teach casting spells, a sport played on broomsticks, that tinge of suspense with "know the secrets to help you fulfill your destiny" and "there will be a handful of good friends ... but also formidable enemies" .. . It all sounded so great, to me that I had always been attracted to the fanciful things: D I bought. Seeing that it was a saga (at that time, in the back were listed as books in the series only the first four), I tried to get the second book (yes,without having read the first and wanted the second xD). In the library did not. Nor the third, but the fourth. So I ended up going in there with the Philosopher's Stone and The Goblet of Fire in a baggie. I have memories of things that sound funny now, having read the word muggles , asked me with a frown what it was, and moments later: Ma, what are the Muggles? And she o.o Hmmm ... dunno. XD A while later, I began to see posters from the first film. I was super excited because OMG, the movie is the book that I have! : D When I went to see had not yet finished reading the book, and obviously delighted with the story finished. Finished pDDD I think just a little further explained in the same book that was, since Harry did not know: P, but hey, just decided that maybe I would buy the second and third books, and left the room for later . My entry in the fandom ... I think the 13 had somehow entered into a Yahoo group, but no part of it. As I had recorded, but then did not pay attention and quit. However, things came to me my mail group. Fanfics. Dramione. It was strange because they were chapters of fics random random, and came with title and everything, but I read them and then could not remember the name of fiction to which they belonged, then I learned from then and if I did, I had forgotten what hadread before the same story, so it was the same xD Anyway, these fics sounded quite equal to each other, all revolved around the romance, with clichés and others (pretty bad, probably: P). Sounded strange because it was my first contact with a fanfiquera expression, and because they were Draco / Hermione, two characters in the books they hate and do not have the slightest wave. At 15, more or less, got into a forum, Harry Web. I had fun there and met many virtual friends, I keep some and not others, but always left me good memories:) Today, hardly entered, with few exceptions, but I still maintain contact with that interest me there. At that time, but did not rememberwhich I dared to click because I thought it made some sense: both in the same old enemies (and therefore interesting, and a bit cliché, it must be said to be intimately involved), attractive (although this depends the imagination of everyone, in fact ^ ^), rival Home ... Then I continued with the Snarry. SH was very full of fics of this couple and I was curious. Of course it sounded strange, because who do you like to Snape? Who would think that is attractive? (Because so much of a taste for slash stems from something very basic: what is sexy and / or cute to imagine X and Y together, and at first, hardly anyone would consider it hot a couple who is Snape.) So I also had to know why so many peoplescribed that couples with a huge age difference, what with "the student and the teacher" (another fantasy so common and well known), and where that character was so homely, cranky and, for some, bad. My first fic for this couple was Clandestine Hearts of Araleh Snape. I'm not saying that fiction is the best Snarry the world (in fact, I would recommend others), but I loved it and that started my love for the couple ^ 0 ^ The last couple is among my altars is the Siremar ♥, and I think I became addicted to it before knowing the Snarry, indeed. In "The Web of Harry" after someone created a topic talking about Marauder! Crack

miss_jota [info], then I read it and turned ltar / steal your identity to our bad, Lord_Voldemort7 , and I'm very funny. And envy! I have no fucking nearly the fourth part of all those wonderful things that the boy is! xD

The YouTube account of this guy called XD
there on YT's comments, saying that it is actually actor who knows what, or who is a sick boy / loser, but that People do not know what the humor! xD

Finally, to leave no doubt that this is a 100% input POTTER, Home issues. In the meme that, The Sorting Hat Meme, many raffle for Slyffindor me and a few for Gryffindor. Well, here's proof that I am askerosene and hopelessly ...

Your result for The Sorting Hat Test ...

You Scored 12% Slytherin, 16% Ravenclaw, Gryffindor 68%, and 28% Hufflepuff!

You Might belong in Gryffindor, Where
dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Gryffindors apart.

Gryffindors Are Known for Their courage, audacity, and devotion to What is good and honest.

Take The Sorting Hat Test at


Jajaja, percentageGryffindor highest I could not play, right? XD You see, the other that follows is Hufflepuff, and Slytherin is the least I have XP is that, although I like to use icons and phrases Sly and I like the characters in this House, personally I can at least snake find: B xD

After seeing it,

If possible, be good people and, as suggested by several, ALSO SPOILED BY TWITTER.
Many spoke of a pact to do so until Sunday, at least. I'm sure you all have any other virtual environment

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Get A Sponsor Racing Sort me!


should already know what house I think ... but that's just my desire (?), you tell me the one deemed most appropriate for me: D

'm catching up on Supernatural, with the hiatus was late and I had stopped watching after the weekly episodes. By the 6x04 and I pray that recent caps make me change the opinion I had of the season from 6x01 and 6x02 ... I guess that goes far, there are several people things I did not like it disappeared;) If S

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Puerto Rican Licence Template A little publicity never hurts

is here, bitches. They opened the inscriptions for absolutely everything (writers, artists, betas, cheerleaders, BB reverse ...). Go to this post where the links all activities to register with the / s who wish to:) My God, 19 days for the movie ♥

On the other hand, [info] speiche_echo and air has its second podcast, and a very interesting topic: D I think I will hear tomorrow the day, because it is not time for trauma, I suggestion I alone and without help from anyone about these issues ... 9_9 XD Click the banner to go to the podcast. CHTMLX

Friday, October 29, 2010

Can You Get Shingles On Your Feet This is halloween, this is halloween... ♪

r what you want. Do it special because it is representative of yourself @. 2) Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and Be sure to repost These instructions. [info] | | makes an entry with the subject "trick or treat?" ("Trick or sweet?). Put your "candy" in it, and be sure to post these instructions. 3) Then, go around Other People's LJS and reply to Them with either "trick" or "treat." If you reply with "trick" They Will Give You an LJ dare That You Have to Perform Before Taking Their candy. If you're too wimpy for That, Simply say "treat" and Take Their candy. | | Then, go to the LJ of other people and answer them (in the same meme) with "trich

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Interstitial Cystitis Nuts

Discussing one my future, so no real surprise That Was. She ended up getting enough courage to Insist on me going to Despicable Me with a bunch of Mocha girls on Friday. The weekend WAS

cut up Into pieces of fun and work. I had a nightmare Study Guide to Get Through to earn Some extra credit. Once a day Though It Was interrupted by a movie or dinner. I Have Never Wanted To Know That much information about France and Italy wine Laws or the Extent of What Are Involved specific grapes, But know I do. I can only shudder in the expectation of Spain wines. Dinner with Chris

WAS fun. We Went to Creole and I Have to Say That It Was delicious. I Had this lamb chili with cornbread. & Amp; nbsp; We ended up walking around downtown and landing in Charlie's for a warm up. We Spent sometime on the upstairs balcony watching the drunken revelers pass below. It Was interesting to see events and There Was a violin / fiddler player on the corner. We Cheer Every time someone tipped him.
The night ended early
Since I Had to work the next morning, But It Was a nice night. It did end up with me talking to a friend on the phone and making a promise That I'm not sure the person will Truly pounce on.

This week is a busy busy week and I'm running on caffeine. Hopefully my presentation wine That goes all right and I can start on my study guide for my sustainability test. Just kill me now. & Nbsp, * yawn * I Might Have to crash Friday afternoon so hard That I Have enough energy to continue with my Halloween weekend Activities, in college Because Halloween is Not just a day or week it is a weekend of festivities That eat away at your time in like a starving puppy. Plus There is the recovery time afterwords. It Should Be an interesting end of the month.

Which remind me of Some important factor That I Must tell you all about ahead of time. I am Attempting NANO Writing Month this year. It's Where You try to write at least a 50.000 word novel in one month. ; Wish me luck and if I do drop of the face of the earth it is due to the combination of Figuring out loans, school projects, graduating with good grades, writ

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Do I Go Past The Door On Poptropica The non-planned hiatus are the worst

My internet was down
the early hours of Monday 11 (or perhaps before, but that's when I found out xD) so my total shutdown for the last two weeks with all the sites I frequent: (I was hoarse, because I could not congratulate [info] cocaiiiine or [info] poison_d90 for his birthday (and the mobile internet is not cooperating with me that day or any other, no credit
), so HAPPY BIRTHDAY super late, girls: D I wish you well and I hope you had a great, sorry for the no-gift = / Maybe try to do something, the issue is that I have severals late birthday gift ... xD Anyway, soon I'll catch up with the f-list, I was watching and commenting a little, but I have a long way to go.

is that I can not talk about fandom not, right? No, I can not.
And yes, I'm behind on my series D: That was one of the hardest things you do not have internet xD (and will probably be the first thing that I'll catch up, because the instinct is the instinct fangirl fangirl) . I also lost

comment on the rescue of the miners in Chile, I moved a whole lot. The only thing that screwed me was the nationalization of the issue to take advantage of the situation

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tom Delonge Star Tattoos

This weekend wit the WAS interesting Entire thing going down to Phoenix and Not really seeing my family for half of it. Though It Was fun and makes me excited to see Twice As Meggie and Bella come up this coming weekend. It Will Be tons of fun. Patty's birthday

WAS interesting with the Entire drinking on a dry campus, dry bed thing Since she left her ID in her bag at school. * Sigh * Again I Have Been deterred from drinking at a bar with friends.

The beginning of this week has-been tiring to say the least. I go to class and I wonder why I am There. My International class hospitality is secretly a sustainability class. My class is a less salt fun class leadership with sales information in fo Thrownr kicks. Senior

seminar, wine tasting, and ceramics Are The Things That Are only the joys of my day. We had a great wine tasting class this past Monday. A speaker from Banfi meat to talk to us about His company and Try Some of us Have Their wines. Usually only three wines we drink DURING tastings at the most. This tasting We Had seven! And MOST of Them Were tasty, kind of on the sweet side. All my ceramics

stuff that has-been fired so far is going Into the soda kiln, Which Should Be going on as I type this. We Have Our fingers crossed all the over That will come out fired bisc Fairly well. Hoping Since I am doubly so far my best cup WAS fired over. Someone will die a horrible death if that one doesn't turn out half way decent.

Had dinner with Tyci tonight.  That's kind of why this update is being made so late in the day.  I ended taking a nap, and over sleeping.  Luckily Tyci did the same thing so we both managed to think of it as a rescheduling of  a half hour.  It was nice to just sit with my old roomy and chat about life.

Nothing more really happened.  Parents week is coming up and Megan is coming to visit and do a sleep over with little Bella in tow.  Should be exciting,  Love you guys and hope your week is just as wonderful as I am hoping mine is.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Initiation Process Delta


\u0026lt;span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> \u0026lt;font size="6" face="georgia"> \u0026lt;i> fandom, \u0026lt;/ i> \u0026lt; ; / font> \u0026lt;/ span> \u0026lt;b> 1) Your favorite character: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 2) Your least favorite character or directly hated: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 3) Your ships: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 4) Tu / s episode / s favorite / s: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 5) A monster / creature you think is cool: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt; b> 6) Something you'd like to happen and has not yet happened: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 7) character that perverse face ... * ahem * \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 8) do Which character would you like to embody?: \u0026lt;/ B> \u0026lt;b> 9) Favorite secondary character: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 10) your favorite moment / s character / s Preferred / s: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 11) Best villain (important or shift, past or present): \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 12) One or more events that you enjoyed: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;span style = "color: rgb (255, 0 , 0 );">\u0026lt; font size = "6" face = "georgia"> \u0026lt;i> the user, \u0026lt;/ i> \u0026lt;/ font> \u0026lt;/ span> \u0026lt;b> 13) your real name or how you like to be called: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 14) Age: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 15) Country: \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;b> 16) What use you give and how your day? (Cuthe proposition of eternal love

• Amistad ♥ important:

hare public

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dc Subway Map With Streets It's Raining It's Pouring

Life is great, fantastic even. I am getting over my cold, it's raining, Are Canceled classes Thursday and I have an interview with my pastry school That Day. You Heard me folks, I have a phone interview with the French Pastry School. Life is wonderful. Last week I

Must Admit It Was Not going so hot with my oncoming cold and all, Which Was Made Worse by a horrible migraine conniving That got in the way of dinner at Karma with Chris. I do not mean to sound like a hippie, I Assure you I am not, But That herbal remedy Amy That Took me to get really helper. It Was my cold has Scattered to the four corners of the earth to till Not Be Heard from Some Other fateful month. It Did not help in time to save my crumbling Saturday night

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Off And On Numbness In Leg

IP Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh (top) RIP Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase (middle) RIP Asher Brown and Billy Lucas. (bottom) [info] REBLOG to spread a message of love, unity and peace.

Gifs Naruto Shippuuden Recommendation for writers of ff's, HP and other herbs BB

MLXC (and no double meaning in "this", okay? XD). Obviously the news or important entries will know best hand if you look at your LJ friends page every day, but if you go more for Twitter that here, where there have heard of the things that happen. :) And keep doing promotion!
[info] Btw, I have watched Supernatural 6x02 and I'm nothing to see Merlin 3x04, so after I make an entry on * fangirl mode on * speaking of both series, or at least annoyed at the entrances to respect I see in my f-list. XD And I'm preparing something about Merlin fandom. But before "run" I see the new episode. (No, not a community, much less a fiction). : D CH10 months TMLXC And I graduated, my high school diploma is no longer pending, or in some remote part of the Ministry of Education ... is here with me:) Now I am a grown woman, LOL. While noting the average age of 5, I realized that the notes were going to decline. XD Oh, great Voldy, help me to be as big as you!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Clean A Flintlock Muzzloader

In this post, 10 more than banner ads (the excitement, emotion). Advertise, and move a greater amount of fandom! : D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Masterbation And Rotator Cuff Me Oh My

This past week has-been a busy one girls and boys. I Had to do a presentation, turn in a paper, and listen to boring lectures about Either Things That I already know about or can not find a reason to care for ( do not worry I still pay Attention). I am happy to announce I got a 50 out of 50 on mini project from hell That That Kept Asking me over and over what i wanted to do with my life. Ceramics and tasting wine are my only Refuge.

Wine has-been interesting. My first quiz and I pass with an A. Tasting the wines Were interesting, except the white Were not all that's enjoyable and the pinot noir I choose just wasn't worth drinking. But I am learning a great deal and Its fun. Jill and I Tend to makecomments to each other that keeps us entertained.  It makes me glad that we are in the same group.

Ceramics is as fun as usual.  I am steadily making my way through the horde of clay in my tub.  Now only if I can get a handle on handles all would be complete (and yes that pun was intended).  My teacher just finds it ever so amusing how much trouble I am having with them.  He told me I have to pretend not to hate them and soon I won't  be pretending anymore.  I don't quite believe him.  He also has made it a habit to ask me about plates.  I have already made it clear that the battle between plates and blates will not be happening this year.  My project statement was very precise on the

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bionicle Stars Building Instructions Supernatural + More spam on LJ?


Well, so I just watched Supernatural 6x01. u_u I liked it, I thought it was odd (aka WTFFFF?)
many parts of the plot half crack (not credible), repetitive in terms of past events seasons (I will not give spoilers, but I understand if I told Dean
at the beginning of the 4th season
, right? Phew, could seek other resources for the Sam uu), boring, some things are not understood and as the chapter I liked so little, I'm not able to see it again to understand completely. Basically, I thought that this episode does not belong to the series which saw 5 seasons (and I saw this year in something like 4 months, I have everything pretty present

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dental Claim Appeal Example Dobby face * WTF *

Since the beginning of the day, to see if anyone takes this doubt for me where the night. xD I know Supernatural fandom begin broadcasting today the sixth season, but for days I stalked the channel that will happen (
Warner Channel, Argentina) to capture any official announcement to see if any advertising turn deign to spend some promo. But in a week of stalking her publicity rounds unbearable, the only thing I could see was a style thing
(?), And I think only once. As if anything is missing, also I noticed the channel's programming lineup on the internet and did not see the name of the series anywhere. Now we are on opening day and do not promote ashit, and it's not just a feeling, but the certainty
that will not transmit anything. u_u

anyone in Argentina (and Latin America, we usually have the same dates for these things) know more? Any other release date for us? , A; had the illusion of seeing it for TV, is always cumbersome to download ... further that when he first comes out, the quality of the video files is usually quite bad. Anyway, I appreciate any help, door, hand comfort, sexual favors, etc. (?) ^ ^

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How To Enter A Game-shark On Silver GODS.

and that, "simply because orgasm with every second that the video lasted. trailers do not remember previous HP movies have been so ...

well. The effects are wonderful, and I do not mean only the rays coming out of the sticks or the patronus. The shape, the angles that capture the scenes, certain facial expressions, the accompanying audio as well and you jump at the place of emotion ... It's incredible. For the first time I think I may not disappoint me as a movie from Yates. Well, maybe when you see it all and more than a series of exciting scenes and mobilizing together in a few m; Iacute; particles except the first one we saw, I thought that neither was under consideration. What a great all fandom. I am delighted.
PD: the matter with my header is entirely coincidental. I did and started yesterday, because my blood is pumping almost Deathly Hallows. (?)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Garrett's Popcorn Printable Coupon

XC, and obviously only works with him (and in turn tell them that if they do not use this web browser, they do, because it is very than IE). The LJ Hook used to write HTML without having to manually place labels / codes as ...

\u0026lt;i> \u0026lt;b> \u0026lt;img src=""> [info] \u0026lt;center> \u0026lt;lj-cut> \u0026lt;u> \u0026lt;a href="">

... and all the rest. Everything is clean and tidy, you avoid the bad times can you pass the Rich Text and you do not have to take your work escrite codes with your fingers. Select the word / phrase that you want to apply certain transformation, you choose the effect and go! If you want to see it how it is, I leave a picture, always worth a thousand words:

Is not it great? ^ 0 ^

And now, the reason for this entry: 3x02 Merlin ♥ First, apologies for ignoring fangirly! Posts of the f-list then the beautiful 3x01; I saw it as 4 days after the first issued and so I was careful not to read the entries you about non-spoiler. Then I forgot to go back to them and now that we've seen the outcome of The tears of Uther Pendragon andnot make much sense. Anyway, spoilers within the cut; nonsense that do not harm anyone out. ;) Is it me or COLIN MORGAN WAS SOMETHING IN THE HAIR? Now I see sexy Merlin! LOL And I loved these two chapters because: 1)
My dragon could be claimed:) I know you would not want it not to have resisted the call of Merlin, but I loved that I had saved, in addition, I can not help relating it to the return of favors for the sample of Mercy? that Merlin had with him in the 2x13 (could not continue to want to orejudo if he had not spared u_u). But above all things, I thought the dragon's sharewould end in the second season due to recent events and this relieved me. ♥ I have dragon for a while (I hope). LOL, this is SO Dragon / Merlin (?) But quiet, zoophilia is not like nothing, nothing. xD

increasingly Malignancy malignant (?) of Morgana makes it more and more HOT shipper with Uther. Really, this relationship is too intense for what my mind can handle. I almost cried with them in that 3x01 scene where they are and embrace. Was full of love and happy, until he put his
evil grin and I realized I was asking the impossible. xD But agree, if Morgan would remain the innocent, kind and obedient pupil of the King, could not and shipper. YShippee my mind naturally. Uther is noted that loves her very much, but something else, as if
happy with it and not a magical way, of course. So I can not believe this "I love you like a daughter." A parent is no wonder that way for a daughter. And Morgana, smiling like a tender from the front, pretending to love him but hate that smile when he turns around does not help. I think that underneath lies a hatred so great love, and so she lives in constant drama, because his love is wounded by the hatred people have towards Uther magic. And of course, is much easier to respond with more hate to deal with it. ~ Ah, how poetic.

3) I hope not to be the only one who sees Morgause / Morgana everywherecompanies that talk about this issue ... and so far, the words of Merlin were the only ones that made him think a bit about all that is causing misery and grief get a glitter in his eyes because yes, their hatred is only a sample of which is a bitch wound. If Morgause was not much time with her, might have salvation for Morgan, perhaps. But hey, I still like to see something more concrete

about the Merlin / Morgana, understand what I mean, right? xD And actually, I wish she found out who he really is. First, because I fed her and Morgause humiliating and trying to follow him like a common person. I want them
especially, who are the villains of the season, cu denenta once they are talking to one of his race. Now I can imagine what would happen after that: Morgause proposing to join them. xD Seriously, I love to see this happen. They do because of course, Morgana in less than a blink it was going to accuse of sorcery to Uther and there would not know how to save the show Merlin, but is that really, I'm sick of not recognizing merit. Arthur does not find, the better, because it looks super cute by calling him an idiot, stupid, useless, etc., When he who does not know anything. xD See? That's lovely. ♥ But I want Morgana Morgause and stop being so cavalier with Merlin, especially the second, which has a magical ability to feel sad. xDDD

5) d
Enoughand shipper at Morgana. We also had some Arthur / Merlin out there! I mean, what was this dialogue
"you .... and me"
at a time where it does not often come to mind and even pose Arthur stayed

WTF? Haha, that's what "go to fight, I'll be protecting" ? Arthur rolled his eyes, but if I knew, if I knew ... ♥

The Arthur / Gwen chapter was nice, as always, but it was too soft, too much for someone who enjoys the couple. Obviously I always enjoy every time that Arthur gets that look deeply and because I love bright melt, but that would have ended in a kiss. I like ... Gwen but what is that to call CHTMMr
LXC so cunning as he is asking me to call him by name? Or do you go when Arthur is about to bow down and kiss her? Uu The folly of the people. xD
I loved the fight with the skeletons, I brought to mind the scenes of Pirates of the Caribbean 1, where fighting with a ghost crew. xDDD

do not watch the scenes of the next chapter because I often have the most important and then it seems that you saw everything, but this time I did, and it seems to be 3x03 veeeeeeeeery fun. : D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What To Expect Letter Start a mob that ...

Echo, a community that speaks like no other

[info] speiche_echo [info] speiche_echo [info] speiche_echo


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Indoor Public Basketball Courts New Jersey

The third week of school is underway and I a having a blast, even if it is rather crowded.  *Pushes homework and projects into a pile on the floor*

This weekend was fun.  It has been ages since I went to dinner with Chris and it was nice to see him after a summer of seeing the same old people day in and day out.  (No offense to those wonderful kind people I was with all summer)  We went to the Lumberyard, which is owned by Beaverstreet Brewery.  I had a Catfish Fried Po Boy, it was pretty tasty.  Afterwords we walked across Milton to the Wine Loft.  It wasn't what I expected but it was nice.  I had my first glass of French wine, a pinot noir for those that are curious.  It was a weird little place though.  You had to go to the bar and get what you wanted from them.  There where no servers except for the two tending the bar.  Next time I think I would go somewhere else, but that's just my thoughts on it.

Saturday I went swing dancing at the Galaxy Dinner.  The place was crowded due to the fact that there was that antique car show going on earlier that day.  I got to say that I am definitely going to go back for more next weekend.  I don't think I've ever done as many spins as I did that night.  There were some guys that were horrible leads and had spaztastic feet but the good ones made up for it.

Sunday was pretty chill, just me doing homework and watching movies.  The Jonespecially for my last semester. I'll just Have to go to restaurants and enjoy a glass of wine instead. * grins * Dinner

calls to me .... Love ya guys.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mobile Trailer For Sale, Ontario Menamoré of this song

Because I fell in love with a guy who has not given me flowers, not once, but filled with springs
all this empty house.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Images Of Early Ringworm

Paint your soul with all the grand designs Reach
like a savior, your heart on the line

1.58 min


Emma Watson and George Craig Glastonbury Festival in 2010.

Certainly I love the corset Emma Louis Vuitton

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bulma Vegeta Doujinshi Marriage

I think I've gone crazy, really, but has been watching the new video for Lady Gaga "Alexander" and from the minute 5:37 to 6:16 I have been seeing on my screen Raffaella Carra

I'm ready to see clips Gaga reminiscent of Madonna, David Bowie ... .. but Raffaella Carra! No, that did not fall under the deal.

And the worst was when I began to see some more photos, OMG this is me creating a deep trauma.

exams I feel bad because this is not normal, I q

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Realtime Rendering Rhino 4

No matter, I am more capable Then people give me credit, That just shows people do not know me the way They Think They Do. I am back home and Have Begun working in my internship position. I LOVE it! Cole is a great teacher and it's fun. I Hope That I continue to enjoy it. I've Already gotten to help make a peanut butter up, decorate cupcakes, ice with red velvet cake, Along with a bunch of other stuff. I think my favorite so far WAS getting to mix up the cookie dough batter and the smell wafted up from the the browned butter. DELICIOUS. I finally saw Patty. She Seems To Be doing good, just worried about the constricting rule of freedom of Parents after sophomoreyear of college.  Hopefully we will be able to get together every once in a while and hang.  We will most likely be having a party for Logan's birthday.  I just have no idea when, I think in July. Sorry for the missed update on last Tuesday, I was kind of just in a haze.  Being home tends to do that.  I am either happy, in a haze, or boiling mad...yea, sounds about right.  Megan and I have had a chance to hang already, even though she still has work till Friday.  Stephen has been wonderful and has driven me to work for the past two times.  I think he is hoping that he will pull up to pick me up and there will be a chocolate chip cookie or something waiting for him.  Maybe Stephen, we will see. The next two days i have off, maybe interesting Something Will Happen. If Not Then It Will Be bake all talk for a while. See you on a Tuesday.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why Are Arms Sore From Snowboarding

Welcome to the age of un-innocence. No one has breakfast at Tiffany's and no one has affairs to remember.

The thing promises, I can not wait to see it, well .... AIDAN BACK! I can not believe. Buff
that tin dish ...

New York City is all about sex. People getting it, people Trying to get it, people Who can not get it. No wonder the city never sleeps. It's too busy Trying to get laid. Ojala

never ends, I will give a little pain ....
For all that you have not followed the series, I recommend the seven seasons, no waste.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Serious Is Scleroderma CORNERSTONE

Humbug second single, which took weeks without being able to stop listening.

She Was Nothing But a vision trick
Under the warning light. She Was
Close enough to be your ghost But my chances
Turned to toast
When I Asked her if,
I Could call her your name

Tell me where's your hiding place.
I'm worried I'll forget your face. And I've Asked
everyone, I'm
begining to think I imagined you all along.

The video, in my opinion, too minimalist.
But the song, like almost all the Arctic Monkeys, GENIAL.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Trichomoniasis And Knee Infection

UIER thing is put. Whether jeans, a top, a jersey .... narrow or wide, long or short.

and by the end, my favorite:

I wonder this picture.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unblock Runescape At School A woman in four parts

Mirona "lover, expressionist and a dreamer?

Short directed by Jake Sumner, Sting's son, for the new Donna Karan campaign.
The Eldridge bag is not my cup of tea, but the ad I LOVE and Christina Ricci as always, superb.

Is There A Virus Going Around In Dec 2009 NEW YEAR, NEW LIFE.

Will you walk with me out on the wire `cause baby Im just a scared and lonely rider But I gotta
find out How It Feels
I want to know if love is wild, girl I want to know if love is real